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This is a honest blog dealing with everyday issues. If there are any problems with any of the presented comments or blogs, feel free to comment, but don't be a total schmuck. If you have a problem and disagree with what I blog about, just feel free to stop reading it, instead of wasting your breath.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Just Perfect

Yesterday night, I decided to master the (cheese) omelette. For the first time in forever, I actually was patient with the omelette, and it turned out fantastic. Crispy brown, oozing of cheese, it could make any non-cheese omelette believer, believe in the cheese omelette again. I wish I had a picture to describe how I looked. But like John Mayer says in "3x5", "Didn't have a camera by my side this time, hoping I would see the world through both my eyes..." But just change out "the world" and put in "this awesome creation of food!" Lol. I'll stop bragging now. I think that with this latest boost of self confidence, I am going to be more inclined to show pictures of my food. -KO

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